Our Experts In Foreign National Services, In Arrecife, Lanzarote

Services for Foreign Nationals: Bureaucracy services.

Either if you are relocating to Lanzarote and seeking residency or already residing there, in Prolanz Asesores we will help you out, we understand the need of guidance when dealing with foreign paperwork when in possession of limited knowledge of how a foreign system may work. We offer red tape services: from temporary residence permits, work visas, to applying for residency, we will take care of all the bureaucracy so you can just enjoy being in Lanzarote.

Located in the capital of the island, Arrecife, our main objective is to offer top quality advice as your accountant, tax advisor and many other services for non-residents in Lanzarote. Our services exceed the expectations of our customers, adaptable to their demands, offering advice and personalised planning, tailored to their needs.

In Prolanz Asesores, we have great knowledge and experience in all the case mix that affects to expats, from Spain to abroad and from abroad to Spain.

Your Advisors In Arrecife, Lanzarote

Our experienced advisors will offer you solutions to carry out a proper planning and management of the corresponding rights and obligations to reduce the economic impact.

In line with our philosophy, our accounting advisors offer help so that our clients reach their objectives with the maximum support of our professionals. For this reason we assign to each project a specialised professional who will offer you international tax advice for individuals, selling property abroad advice, wealth tax for non-residents and other non-resident tax advice services in the most effective way possible.

Non Resident Tax Advice Services Offered At Prolanz Asesores

Some of the Services at Prolanz Asesores

Among the multiple services offered by our English speaking Consultants in Arrecife, Lanzarote, we highlight mainly:

  • Temporary Residence Permits.
  • Applying for Residency (NIE/NIF)
  • Residence VISAs for investors and entrepreneurs.
  • Specific advice on any tax obligations to be fulfilled in Spain.
  • Advise on maintaining the no tax residence in Spain, or obtaining the tax residence in Spain.
  • International Tax Planning.
  • Buying/selling property.
  • All red tape/bureaucracy services you might require.
  • Many more services you may need as a foreign national.

At Prolanz Asesores we have an excellent understanding of the needs that foreign nationals have, and for this reason we offer a wide range of services that will cover all the needs that may arise, red tape services, bureaucracy services, paperwork services, residency related services, applying for a NIE/NIF, etc. Our English speaking professionals with years of experience who will not hesitate to offer you a high quality service in a personalised manner.

If you want to learn more about your situation as a foreign national with the best professionals in advice and management, do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact request

Personal data protection.

Data controller: Prolanz Asesores ,
Calle de Blas Cabrera Topham, 66 , Arrecife

The purpose of the processing of your data is to respond to your queries and/or requests for information, based on your consent given when you provide your data (article 6.1.a, GDPR).
You may exercise the following rights over your data,

  • The right of information, access, rectification, objection, erasure ("to be forgotten"), restriction of
    processing, portability, non-transferability, to the limitation of processing, portability, not to be subject to automated individual decisions.
  • Remember that exercising your rights is free of charge. You can also lodge a complaint with the
    supervisory authority.

You can access the legal notice and the complete information here

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